Anne-Laure Mention has been featured at numerous events and media as an invited keynote speaker, panellist or moderator. Some of the talks she has been featured are below:
Invited Expert to contribute to the Economist Impact paper: Unlocking innovation to drive progress: Discover the Innovation Quotient. Supported by Philip Morris International.
Featured article in The Conversation: “To become an innovation nation we really need to think smaller” by Verreynne M., Mention A.-L., Feast G., and Torres de Oliveira R. Read the article here.
Verreynne M., Torres de Oliveira R., and Mention A.-L. (with contributions from Lay J., Nguyen T., Ferraro S. and Machirori, T.L.). (2021) “Enablers and barriers to industry‑research collaboration: A small and medium sized enterprise perspective”. CSIRO SME Report, Australia.
Panellist, ISPIM Valencia 2021 – “Future of Learning for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE)” at ISPIM Connects Valencia Conference – Reconnect, Rediscover, Reimagine, November 2021.
Invited Speaker, MCSA Staff Exchange 2021 on “A global touch to Research Translation”, OpenInnoTrain Project, at the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges info session, organized by the EU Commission, November 2021.
Keynote speaker, Henry Stewart Talks entitled “Financial innovation: the future of Fintech“. As part of the series on “Open Innovation and its impact on business and society” inThe Business & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks. July 2021. Watch part of the video here.
“Digital Transformation in Financial Services: The Age of Fintech” Published in Research Outreach. Read more or Listen to the podcast or watch the video.
Moderator, ISPIM Connects Global Conference 2020, event entitled “What’s next? Reimagining the New Normal – The road to recovery and regrowth”, December 2020.
Speaker, Digital Transformation – Thought Leadership Series, RMIT University, Webinar, November 2020. More information.
Keynote Speaker, EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF2020) entitled “Research with Impact in the Tech Economy” as part of the session on “Transfer of Industry 4.0 from research to industry”.
Panelist, “Research, Publishing and Academia in a Post-Crisis World“, ISPIM Virtual Conference, June 2020.
Keynote speaker, “Engaging for Impact Conference, Ethical Innovation and Industry Transformation“, RMIT University, Melbourne, 2019.
Impact through Insight
Anne-Laure discusses her work at RMIT University including business innovation and the impact of innovation on economy & society.