Journal Articles

Stabler, D., Hakala, H., Huikkola, T., Mention, A.-L.  (2024). Aligning servitization and circularity: The role of institutional confluence in sustainable business models. Journal of
Cleaner Production.

Greco, M., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P., Mention, A.-L., Pundzienė, A., Di Minin, A.  (2024). Intellectual Capital in R&D Management: Elucidating the connection. R&D Management.

Lima, V.M.S., Mention, A.-L., Dabrowska, J. (2023). Digital Innovation: Exploring Integration and Transition Modes in Scaling Success.  International Journal of Innovation Management Online. World Scientific.

Altrock, S., Mention, A.-L., Aas, T.H. (2023). Being Human in the Digitally Enabled Workplace: Insights From the Robo-Advice Literature. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Doi 10.1109/TEM.2023.3291820

Dabić, M., Daim, T., Bogers, M.L.A.M., Mention, A.-L. (2023). The limits of open innovation: Failures, risks, and costs in open innovation practice and theoryTechnovation. ScienceDirect, Elsevier.

Stroh, T., Mention, A.-L., Duff. C. (2023). The impact of evolved psychological mechanisms on innovation and adoption: A systematic literature reviewTechnovation. ScienceDirect, Elsevier.

Alaassar, A., Mention, A.-L., Aas, T.H. (2023). Facilitating innovation in FinTech: a review and research agenda. SpringerLink. Review of Managerial Science.

Ul-Durar, S., Awan, U., Varma, A., Memon, S., Mention, A.-L. (2023). Integrating knowledge management and orientation dynamics for organization transition from eco-innovation to circular economyJournal of Knowledge Management. Emerald Insight.

Barlatier, P.-J., Josserand, E., Hohberger, J., Mention, A.-L. (2023). Configurations of social media-enabled strategies for open innovation, firm performance, and their barriers to adoption. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Wiley Online Library.

Smiljic. S., Aas. T.H., Mention, A.-L. (2022). To join or not to join? Insights from co-opetitive RD&I projects. R&D Management. Wiley Online Library.

Stroh. T., Mention, A.-L., Duff, C. (2022). How do Psychological Factors Affect Innovation and Adoption Decisions?  International Journal of Innovation Management, 2240026. World Scientific Publishing Company.

Bhimani, H., Mention, A.-L., Salampasis, D. (2022). Disengagement in Open Innovation: A Cognitive Perspective. British Journal of Management. Wiley Online Library. 

Smiljic, S., Aas, T.H., Mention, A.-L. (2022). Coopetitive tensions across project phases: A paradox perspective. Industrial Marketing Management. 105: 388-403. Published Online.

Dabrowska, J., Almpanopoulou, A., Brem, A., Chesbrough, H., Cucino, V., Di Minin, A., Giones, F., Hakala, H., Marullo, C., Mention, A.-L., Mortara, L., Nørskov, S., Nylund, P.A., Oddo, C.M., Radziwon, A., Ritala, P. (2022). Digital transformation, for better or worse: a critical multi-level research agenda. R&D Management. Published Online. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8551.12594

Misra, A., Mention, A.-L. (2022). Exploring the food value chain using open innovation: a bibliometric review of the literature. British Food Journal. Published online.

Bhimani, H., Mention, A.-L., Salampasis, D. (2021). Effects on practitioner’s mood on external idea evaluation: implications for open innovation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3121061

Temel, S., Mention, A.-L., Yurtseven, A. (2021). Cooperation for Innovation: the more is not necessarily the merrier. European Journal of Innovation Management. DOI: 10.1108/EJIM-10-2020-0392

Dabrowska, J., Keränen, J., Mention, A.-L. (2021). The Emergence of Community-Driven Platforms in Response to COVID-19. Research Technology Management. 64(5): 31-38.

Ashouri, S., Mention, A.-L., Smyrnios, K. (2021). Anticipation and analysis of industrial convergence using patent-level indicators. Scientometrics. 126: 5727–5758.

Alaassar, A., Mention, A.-L., Aas, T. H. (2021). Ecosystem Dynamics: Exploring the interplay within fintech entrepreneurial ecosystems. Small Business Economics. 160: Published Online. Published Online.

Alaassar, A., Mention, A.-L., Aas, T. H. (2021). Exploring a New Incubation Model for FinTechs: Regulatory Sandboxes. Technovation. 103: Published Online.

Mention, A.-L. (2020). The Age of FinTech: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice. The Journal of FinTech. 1 (1): Published Online.

Alaassar, A., Mention, A.-L., Aas, T. H. (2020). Exploring how social interactions influence regulators and innovators: The case of regulatory sandboxes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 160: Published Online.

Tavassoli, S., Brandt, M., Quan, M., Arenius, P., Kianian, B., Diegel, O., Mention, A.-L., Cole. I., Elghitany, A., Pope, L. (2020). Adoption and Diffusion of Disruptive Technologies: The Case of Additive Manufacturing in Medical Technology Industry in Australia. Elsevier, Procedia Manufacturing. 43:18-24.

Salampasis, D., Mention, A.-L. (2019). From a-value to value-multiplication: leveraging outbound open innovation practices for unrelated diversification in the sensor industry. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 31(11): 1327-1340.

Barlatier, P.-J., Mention, A.-L. (2019). How social media can fuel innovation in businesses: a strategic roadmap. Journal of Business Strategy. 41(2): 11-18. DOI:10.1108/JBS-12-2018-0197

Mention, A.-L., Barlatier, P.-J., Josserand, E. (2019). Using social media to leverage and develop dynamic capabilities for innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 144: 242-250.

Bhimani, H., Mention, A.-L., Barlatier, P.-J. (2019). Social Media and Innovation: A systematic literature review and future research directions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 144: 251-269.

Mention, A.-L. (2019). The Future of Fintech. Research-Technology Management. 62 (4): 59-63.

Salampasis, D., Mention, A.-L. (2018). Open Innovation in Financial Institutions: Individual and Organizational Considerations. International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems. 6(1): 62-87. DOI:10.1504/IJTIS.2018.10011695

Salampasis, D., Mention, A.-L., Kaiser, A. (2017). Wealth Management in Times of Robo: Towards Hybrid Human-Machine Interactions. SSRN Electronic Journal, 3111996. DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3111996

De Smet, D., Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2016). Knowledge sourcing from customers in new financial service development. International Journal of Technology Marketing. 11(2): 1-217. DOI:10.1504/IJTMKT.2016.075685

De Smet, D., Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2016). Involving High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) for financial services innovation. Journal of Financial Services Marketing. 21(3): 226-239. DOI:10.1057/s41264-016-0001-6

Martovoy, A., Mention, A.-L. (2016). Patterns of new service development processes in banking. International Journal of Bank Marketing. 34(1): 62-77. DOI:10.1108/IJBM-11-2014-0159

Fry, C., Mention, A.-L., Temel, S., Torkkeli, M. (2016). Measuring the impact of knowledge sourcing and cooperation on innovation success: some empirical evidence from Turkey. International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems. 5(1): 46-65. DOI:10.1504/IJTIS.2016.081563

Fry, C., Mention, A.-L., Temel, S., Torkkeli, M. (2016). Exploring time lag effects of open innovation practices on performance during economic turmoil. International Journal of Business and Innovation Research. 10(23): 184-208. DOI:10.1504/IJBIR.2016.074825

Diaz-Rainey, I., Ibikule, G., Mention, A.-L. (2015). The technological transformation of capital markets. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 99: 277-284.

Martovoy, A., Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2015). Inbound Open Innovation in Financial Services. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation. 10(1): 117-131.

Salampasis, D., Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2015). Human resources management and open innovation adoption in the banking sector: a conceptual model. International Journal of Business Excellence. 8(4): 433-457. DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2015.070314

Salampasis, D., Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2015). Trust embeddedness within an open innovation mindset. International Journal of Business & Globalization. 14(1): 32-57. DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2015.066099

Mangiarotti, G., Mention, A.-L. (2015). Investigating firm-level effects of KM strategies on innovation performance. International Journal of Innovation Management. 19(1): 1-24.

Durst, S., Mention, A.-L., Poutanen, P. (2015). Service innovation and its impact: What do we know about. Revista Europea de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa. 21(2): 65-72. 10.1016/j.iedee.2014.07.003

De Smet, D., Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2015). Alliances in the financial services sector – Exploring its organizational learning mechanisms. International Journal of Business Excellence. 8(4): 458-470. DOI:10.1504/IJBEX.2015.070315

Salampasis, D., Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2014). Open Innovation & Collaboration in the Financial Services Sector: Exploring the role of trust. International Journal of Business Innovation & Research. 8(5): 466-484. DOI:

Mention, A.-L., Martovoy, A., Torkkeli, M. (2014). Open innovation in financial services: what are the external drivers?. International Journal of Business Excellence. 7(4): 530-548. DOI:10.1504/IJBEX.2014.063565

Mention, A.-L., Bontis, N. (2013). Intellectual capital and performance within the banking sector of Luxembourg and Belgium. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 14(2): 286-309.

Temel, S., Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2013). The Impact of Cooperation on Firms’ Innovation Propensity in Emerging Economies. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation Management. 8(1): 54-64. DOI:10.4067/S0718-27242013000100006

De Smet, D., Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2013). Innovation-related knowledge from customers for new financial services: a conceptual framework. Journal of Innovation Management. 1(2): 67-85.

Mention, A.-L. (2012). Investigating the relationships between innovation and performance in services: An intellectual capital perspective. Reflets et perspectives de la Vie économique. 3(Tome L1): 97-104.

Mention, A.-L., Torkkeli, M. (2012). Drivers, processes, and effects of financial innovation: a research agenda. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. 16(1/2): 5-29. DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2012.050441

De Smet, D., Mention, A.-L. (2012). Inducing Service Innovations through the Governance of IT-enabled Projects. Journal of Management Research. 4(4): 1-16. DOI:

Mention, A.-L., Asikainen, A.-L. (2012). Innovation & Productivity: Investigating Effects of Openness In Services. International Journal of Innovation Management. 16(3): 64-90.

Mention, A.-L., Asikainen, A.-L. (2012). The impact of openness on innovation performance: a firm-level analysis. International Journal of Innovation Management. 16(3): 64-90. DOI:10.1142/S136391961240004XMention, A.-L. (2012). Intellectual Capital, Innovation and Performance: a Systematic Review of the Literature. Business and Economic Research. 2(1): 1-37. DOI:10.5296/ber.v2i1.1937

Mention, A.-L. (2012). Drivers, processes and consequences of financial innovation: A research agenda. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. 16(1-2), pp 5-29.

Mention, A.-L. (2011). Exploring voluntary reporting of intellectual capital in the banking sector. Journal of Management Control. 22(3): 279‐309. DOI:

De Smet, D., Mention, A.-L. (2011). Improving Auditor Effectiveness in Assessing KYC/AML Practices: Case Study in a Luxembourgish Context. Managerial Auditing Journal. 26(2): 182-203.

Mention, A.-L. (2011). Co-operation and co-opetition as open innovation practices in the service sector: Which influence on innovation novelty?. Technovation. 31(1): 44-53.